Final Program
Monday, June 9, 2014
Hilton Durham Near Duke University
3800 Hillsborough Road, Durham, NC 27705
6:00-6:30 pm REGISTRATION
Silvia Ferrari, IGERT WISeNet Program Director
Professor, Duke University
6:50-7:30 pm KEYNOTE LECTURE
Kelly Caylor, Associate Professor and Director of Princeton Ecohydrology Lab,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University
"Drought Prediction and Ecological Monitoring with the Internet of Things"
7:30-9:00 pm Reception and Poster Session
Heavy Hors D'oeuvres will be served
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Duke University, Fitzpatrick Center for Interdisciplinary Engineering, Medicine and Applied Sciences (FCIEMAS)
FCIEMAS Pre-function Lobby
Session A: Information-Driven Environmental Sensing and Prediction:
Sensor Planning and Control
Schiciano A
9:00-9:20 am Hrishikesh Rao, Graduate Student, Biomedical Engineering, Duke University
“A Computational Robotic Model for Studying the Neural Basis of Visual Perception”
Biologically-Inspired Intelligent Sensor Systems:
Sensorimotor Modeling and Control
Schiciano A
9:20-9:40 am Joshua Martin, Postdoctorate, Biology, Case Western Reserve University
“Controlling Movement in a Changing World: Lessons from an Insect Brain”
Biologically-Inspired Intelligent Sensor Systems:
Computational Intelligence
Schiciano A
9:40-10:00 am Ingo Fischer, Professor, Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems
“Building a Reservoir Computer: Concept, Mechanisms, and Performance”
10:00-10:20 am Nicholas Haynes, IGERT WISeNet Trainee, Graduate Student, Physics, Duke University
“Reservoir Computing with Boolean Time-delay Feedback Networks”
Session B: Information-Driven Environmental Sensing and Prediction:
Environmental Modeling and Prediction
Schiciano B
9:00-9:20 am Thomas Wettergren, Research Scientist, United States Navy
“Field Design Considerations for Distributed Undersea Acoustic Sensor Networks”
9:20-10:00 John Mallard, Graduate Student, Earth and Ocean Science, Duke University
Norman Pelak, Graduate Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University
Zachary Brecheisen, Graduate Student, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University
"Optimizing Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Sensor Networks in the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory."
10:00-10:20 am Xiaochi (Joe) Zhou, IGERT WISeNet Associate, Graduate Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University
“Development of Wireless Air-monitoring Sensor Package for Aerial-sampled Emissions from Open Burning”
10:20-10:40 am COFFEE BREAK
FCIEMAS Pre-function Lobby
10:40-11:20 am KEYNOTE LECTURE
Michel Maharbiz, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley
"Neural Dust and Neural Interfaces"
Schiciano A
11:20-12:00 pm KEYNOTE LECTURE
Alain Sarlette, Lecturer, Electrical Energy, Systems, and Automation, Ghent University
"Control Limitations from Distributed Sensing: Theory and Extremely Large Telescope Application"
Schiciano A
12:00-1:20 pm LUNCH BREAK
FCIEMAS Atrium – Ground Level
Session A: Guidance and Control of Mobile Sensor Networks:
Signal Processing
Schiciano A
1:20-1:40 pm David Raudales, IGERT WISeNet Trainee, Graduate Student, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University
“Reduction of Noise and Vibration Transmission onto Wireless Sensors through Multi-element Multi-path Structural Design”
1:40-2:00 pm Cassandra Carley, IGERT WISeNet Trainee, Graduate Student, Computer Science, Duke University
“2D Features for 3D Hand Tracking”
Guidance and Control of Mobile Sensor Networks:
Intelligent Control and Coordination of Mobile Networks
Schiciano A
2:00-2:20 pm Rafael Fierro, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico
“Synchronization of Heterogeneous Wireless Robotic Networks”
2:20-2:40 pm KEYNOTE LECTURE
John Valasek, Professor, Aerospace Engineering, Texas A&M University
“Machine Learning Control for UAS Fixed Camera Motion Video Tracking of Ground Targets”
Guidance and Control of Mobile Sensor Networks:
Unmanned Vehicles
Schiciano A
2:40-3:00 pm Weston Ross, IGERT WISeNet Trainee, Graduate Student, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University
“Rapid Prototyping of Controllers for Autonomous Vehicles”
3:00-3:20 pm COFFEE BREAK
FCIEMAS Pre-function Lobby
Guidance and Control of Mobile Sensor Networks:
Active Sensing
Schiciano A
3:20-3:40 pm Charles Freundlich, IGERT WISeNet Trainee, Graduate Student, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University
“Advances in Stereo Vision for Remote Sensing”
Session B: Information-Driven Environmental Sensing and Prediction:
Environmental Modeling and Prediction
Schiciano B
1:00-1:20 pm Matthew Ross, IGERT WISeNet Trainee, Graduate Student, Ecology, Duke University
“Controls on Soil Oxygen by Salt Marsh Plants in the Venice Lagoon”
1:20-1:40 pm Tiffany Wilson, IGERT WISeNet Trainee, Graduate Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University
“Seasonal Signals in Rainfall Depth Distributions Based on Wet and Dry Period Transition Probabilities”
1:40-2:00 pm Xiaochi (Joe) Zhou, IGERT WISeNet Associate, Graduate Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University
“Hillslope Scale Soil Moisture Monitoring using a Wireless Sensor Network: A Case Study in Sardinia, Italy”
2:00-2:20 pm Tierney Foster-Wittig, IGERT WISeNet Trainee, Graduate Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University
“Visualizing a Gaussian Inverse Dispersion Technique: The Life of a Mobile Sensor”
Information-Driven Environmental Sensing and Prediction:
Sensor Data Processing, Fusion, and Simulation
Schiciano B
2:20-2:40 pm Halley Brantley, Student Services Contractor, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
“Mobile Monitoring Data Processing and Analysis Strategies”
2:40-3:00 pm Kurt Bryan, Professor, Mathematics, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
“Compressed Sensing Techniques for Localization of Radio Frequency Emissions”
3:00-3:20 pm COFFEE BREAK
FCIEMAS Pre-function Lobby
Information-Driven Environmental Sensing and Prediction:
Sensory Planning and Control
Schiciano B
3:20-3:40pm Patrick Wang, IGERT WISeNet Trainee, Graduate Student, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke University
“Perspective-Informed Object Detection”
3:40-4:00pm Suman Chakravorty, Professor, Aerospace Engineering, Texas A&M University
“Information Space Receding Horizon Control for Multi-Agent Systems”
Schiciano A
3:40-4:20 pm Gayle Hagler, Research Scientist, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
"Next Generation Air Monitoring - An Overview of EPA Research to Develop Real-Time Instrumentation Packages for Stationary and Mobile Monitoring"
Schiciano A
4:20-5:00 pm Caryl Erin Johnson, Chief Innovation Officer, Introspective Systems LLC
"Human Computer Symbiosis and the Internet of Things - Catch the Wave!"
5:00 pm ADJOURN